Driving safety tips to keep you safe on the road

 Road safety is one of the trucking industry's top concerns today.

According to the 2018 Driver Safety Risk Report, truck collisions cost fleets nearly $57 billion, affecting everything from medical bills to vehicle repairs to lost productivity due to downtime. The same report also showed that annual insurance rates could increase by about a third when an employee has a collision that includes damage to both the driver and the vehicle. Even an accident that results in no injury can increase insurance premiums by almost a quarter.

Despite these figures, less than half of all carriers use commercial truck driver safety programs to reduce the risk of collisions and traffic accidents.

drive safely message
Driving safety tips to keep you safe on the road

To help fleets improve truck driver safety, we have put together a list of safety tips for truck drivers. These safety tips for truck drivers will help improve fleet safety and reduce the risk of collisions on the road.

1. Avoid distracted driving

 According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2,841 lives were lost in 2018 due to distracted driving, and over 23,000 died between 2012 and 2018. Nine percent of all fatal crashes over the past seven years have involved distracted drivers.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also reports that delayed driver response accounts for 90 percent of rear-end collisions.

Drivers can be distracted for a variety of reasons, such as grabbing a bite to eat while driving to save time, lighting a cigarette, talking on the phone or texting.

Truck drivers need to be extremely vigilant as they drive larger vehicles that are more difficult to manoeuvre, take longer to decelerate and have more blind spots or 'no-go areas'.

2. Know your blind spots

Visibility is paramount to truck driver safety and the prevention of traffic collisions, especially if you drive a large commercial vehicle that has more blind spots than a standard passenger vehicle.

Here is an infographic that will help you understand how a commercial driver has limited visibility on all four sides due to large blind spots in the front, rear and sides of the vehicle.

It is important to familiarise yourself with all the potential blind spots not only of your truck but also of other vehicles sharing the road with you.

Minimising lane changes where possible and checking your mirrors at least once every 10 seconds is also an effective way to increase safety and awareness.

3. Use a dashcam to improve driver safety

Technology has become an important part of the trucking industry in recent years. ELDs, fleet management software, GPS tracking and, more specifically, dashcams, play a crucial role in improving driver safety.

In addition to improving driver safety, dashcams offer many benefits such as improved truck driver safety training and coaching programs, lower CSA scores and security against false insurance claims.

Fleets of various types and sizes are using dashcams to protect their drivers from false claims, speed up insurance processes, increase liability and improve driver behaviour and overall fleet safety.

Dashboard cameras can be mounted on the windscreen or dashboard and can be single or double-sided. The important thing is that they can show what actually happened on the road.

For example, a Utah-based trucking company, D&A McRae, began using KeepTruckin's Smart Dashcam earlier this year and saw immediate returns on their dashcam investment.

Just a few months after installing a dashcam, a driver was involved in a collision and was immediately found at fault. His team was able to remotely download images of the incident and exonerate the driver.

"KeepTruckin's Smart Dashcam footage exonerated our driver at the scene and saved us nearly $50,000 in damages. From that incident on, the dashcam paid for itself."- Rod Conrad, Terminal Manager, D&A McRae Transportation

4. Know your safe braking distance

For drivers who may be used to driving smaller vehicles, it may take time to acclimate to the much greater braking distance of a large commercial truck.

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the bigger the rig, the longer it takes to stop.

For example, compared to a medium-sized car, it takes 40% longer for an 18-wheeler to stop. A fully loaded tractor-trailer travelling at 55 mph on dry pavement will travel about 390 feet further in 4.5 seconds before stopping.

Fleet safety managers must ensure that drivers follow a driver training program, either through the use of training videos or practical defensive driving techniques that compare the differences in braking distances in detail.

Road-facing dashcam images can also be used to identify if a driver is driving too close to a vehicle. This dashcam video can trigger a driver coaching programme to remedy the problem.

5. Follow the hours of service rules

Hours of service rules have been created to help drivers minimise fatigue and therefore increase road safety.

Fatigue at the wheel is one of the main causes of road accidents. Failing to meet your HOS limit is not only risky, but also a violation of the rules. Make sure you are always in compliance by following all hours of service regulations that apply to you.

Compliance with HOS regulations can help to increase fleet and driver safety.

6. Beware of aggressive tailgates

The main theory behind defensive driving is to avoid other drivers who are either too aggressive or just plain reckless.

Tailgates deny themselves sufficient space to decelerate in the event of a sudden stop. The best way to avoid any potential accident situation is simply to change lanes instead of accelerating. This allows tailgaters to pass you and be on their way.

Remember to use your turn signals when changing lanes.

7. Follow all traffic signs

Traffic signs are there for a reason, and you should pay close attention to all the different traffic signs and local traffic rules in the area you are driving.

Occasionally, truckers will exceed the speed limit, especially if they are running late or have been held up for a long period of time by a shipper or receiver.

Speeding can cause them to lose control of their vehicle when manoeuvring through sharp, abrupt turns, uneven surfaces, construction hazards and other road irregularities.

Paying close attention to posted traffic signs can help truckers drive safely.

8. Avoid hard braking, acceleration and cornering

Safety-critical events, such as hard braking, acceleration and cornering, are more common than you might think. Drivers must avoid excessive acceleration, speeding, sharp turns and braking to stay safe on the road.

One way for fleets to reduce the number of these incidents is to launch driver training programmes. These driver coaching programmes can promote good driving habits and reduce the number of sharp turns, hard braking and excessive acceleration.

Following CDL's standard safety advice also helps educate drivers on the basics of commercial vehicle driving.

Fleets can also improve driver safety by using the latest technology to monitor drivers for these critical safety events. Some electronic logging devices can help simplify and automate this process.

For example, the KeepTruckin ELD solution has a driver scorecard feature, which can automatically rank drivers based on how safely they drive.

Drivers are ranked according to their safety scores, which are calculated based on the above-mentioned critical safety events. In addition, thanks to the power of AI and the DRIVE score, KeepTruckin also provides an accurate context for critical safety events by taking into account additional factors, such as location, weather, vehicle make, etc.

Using this safety score, safety managers can easily identify drivers who are involved in unsafe driving and behaviour and require immediate coaching.

Safety tips for truck drivers in different seasons and weather conditions

So far, we have covered general safety tips that should apply to most drivers in common conditions.

Here are some specific safety tips for driving in different seasons or weather conditions.

Safety tips for drivers: Driving in the rain

It is almost guaranteed that you will encounter rainy conditions at some point in your driving career, sometimes quite unexpectedly. Driving a car in the rain can be dangerous, but driving a large commercial vehicle is even more potentially dangerous.

Important safety tips to follow in the rain include the following:

  • Always wear your seatbelt.
  • Keep your lights on.
  • Keep your radio on at a low volume.
  • Change gears gradually.
  • Avoid driving in water over the road.
  • Drive more slowly.
  • Increase your following distance.
  • Do not use your cruise control or engine brake.
  • Never overload.

Driving safety tips : Driving in winter

Winter driving can be both beautiful and dangerous. Follow some basic guidelines when it comes to winter driving.

  • Put on your seat belt.
  • Make a contingency plan before you drive for what you will do if and when the weather deteriorates further.
  • Pay attention to the lights on your dashboard. Extreme temperatures can disrupt your emission control system and other temperature-sensitive functions.
  • Be aware of conditions that may limit your visibility. Keep your headlights on at all times if visibility is poor.
  • Make sure you have enough space between your vehicle and others on the road. Don't drive next to snowplows. Give more space - at least 200 feet - between you and other snow removal vehicles on the road.
  • Sudden braking can be very dangerous in slippery road conditions. Do not use your cruise control and be sure to avoid sudden driving maneuvers.
  • Be careful and slow down when approaching bends and intersections to reduce the risk of losing control.
  • Do not idle your truck in cold weather. The diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tank freezes at about 10 degrees Fahrenheit when the vehicle is not in motion.
  • Remove all ice and snow from your roof before driving. 
  • Make sure you have a firm footing when entering and exiting the cabs of vehicles. Wear footwear suitable for the weather and watch out for ice and snow on surfaces.
  • If you have to stop, find a safe place to do so. If you can't get off the road, make sure your truck is as visible as possible - use your emergency triangles, cones, flashers and a reflective waistcoat.
  • Always try to keep at least half a tank of fuel during the winter. As well as properly mixed fuel, this will prevent your fuel lines from freezing.
  • If you find yourself in a skid, remember to turn it into a skid. Quickly depress the clutch; look in your left-hand mirror; steer and countersteer as fast as you can to get back in front of the trailer.
  • As you would in any extreme weather scenario, keep an emergency supply of water, non-perishable food, clothing and blankets in case of a breakdown.
  • If you do not feel comfortable driving, park your vehicle.

Driving safety tips : Driving in summer

Summers seem to be getting hotter and longer, and spending hours behind the wheel in the scorching heat can sometimes become dangerous. In addition, your vehicle may behave differently in extreme summer conditions.

Here are some safety tips for commercial drivers to beat the heat and stay safe during summer driving.

  • Stay hydrated. If you jog, play golf or just work outside during the summer, you stay hydrated. The same goes for driving. Keep a few bottles of water or a sports drink with you while you drive and remember to drink them regularly. Dehydration can lead to dizziness and changes in blood pressure levels, which can affect your driving performance and risk accidents.
  • Make sure your tyres are properly inflated. As the temperature rises in summer, the risk of blowouts increases. Under-inflated tyres can increase this risk, so make sure you have properly inflated tyres before you start your journey.
  • Check the brakes. Checking the brakes before you start your journey will ensure that they are in good working order. Remember that high temperatures often lead to a loss of friction in the braking system due to the extreme heat.
  • Be aware of summer traffic. Roads tend to be busier in summer as families take holidays. This presents even more danger than usual for truckers. Be very aware of other vehicles on the road.

Safety tips for tow truck drivers

Although we have covered many safety issues for commercial vehicle drivers, we cannot ignore commercial tow truck drivers.

Tow truck drivers also face risks inherent in their daily activities. Here are some safety tips.

  • Be prepared: Before you hit the road to rescue a vehicle, make sure you and your vehicle are ready to go. Tow truck safety starts with a regular inspection of your vehicle and all the equipment in it.
  • Don't forget your defensive driving training: always follow posted speed limits and keep a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. When you have a vehicle in tow, reduce your speed even more and extend your following distance to give yourself enough time to stop with the extra weight.
  • Be careful: Turn on your safety lights, place your safety cones, flares and other markers, and make sure pedestrians and other people are out of the way. The use of personal protective equipment is required in many states. Wearing long trousers and closed shoes, as well as using work gloves and safety glasses, help you to be more visible and safe. Remember that if you respond to an accident, there will most likely be broken glass or potentially dangerous chemicals or fuel on the road.
  • Be seen: make sure everyone knows you are there and working by wearing safety waistcoats and using flashing lights and reflectors on your vehicle.
  • Know your limits: Weight limits are there for a reason. To ensure safe driving, know what your vehicle can handle and then decide if the job is right for you and your vehicle.

Above all, stay safe

Although passenger vehicles are at fault in nearly 85% of passenger vehicle accidents, it seems that commercial drivers are most likely to be blamed. That's why it's important for every fleet to develop a comprehensive safety program that uses both the latest technology and data to keep their drivers safe.

Here is a simple truck safety inspection checklist that drivers can review every time they hit the road:

  • Observe all posted speed limits
  • Always practice defensive driving
  • Do not use distracting devices while driving
  • Put on your seat belt
  • Be well rested
  • Check your vehicle before you drive
  • Check your route and stick to it
  • Do not drink and drive
  • Make sure you have all your documents with you

For more information and driving safety tips, see the CDL manual.

If you would like to know more about dashcams and how they can help improve the safety of your fleet, request a free demonstration of the KeepTruckin Smart Dashcam.

Disclaimer: All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute financial, business or legal advice. Whilst vehiclerepairstips endeavours to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any type of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your area for your particular needs and circumstances before making any professional, legal, business, financial or tax decisions.
